Where I Went Wrong

I have had something of a revelation over the last year or so.

Many of us have seen the decline of civil society in America coming for years now. In fact, this is something I’ve been concerned about for nearly a decade.

Of course, this view didn’t win us any friends at backyard barbeques. At best we were labeled unpatriotic. At worst, conspiracy theorists.

Fast forward to today and the decline is evident to anybody who is even half paying attention.

Even those who enthusiastically supported the Covid regime at first – the masks, the lockdowns, the experimental injections – many of those people are starting to wake up. They have seen things that they can’t unsee.

In many ways this is validation for the concerns I’ve had for years. But I’ve also realized that I got something very important wrong.

Simply insulating yourself from the decay isn’t a solution. And thinking that somehow a better society will blossom from the rubble by itself is likely a fantasy. The late Gary North’s words ring in my ears here:

You can’t replace something with nothing.

That’s where I went wrong. I thought the game was simply to ride out the storm from safety and isolation. But that’s not living.

Have you noticed that society is rapidly self-segmenting, right before our eyes?

Trump people shun anyone who isn’t a Trump person. Radical woke socialists despise anyone who isn’t a radical woke socialist.

And then we’ve got the World Economic Forum (WEF) elitists who seem to hate all humans. Or at least all humans who can’t afford to fly on a private jet to “climate change” conferences.

This is a phenomenon that Neal Stephenson predicted in his science fiction novel The Diamond Age.

He envisioned a society in which phyles were the dominant social structure. Phyles being groups of people who banded together according to cultural commonalties or shared values.

And the reason people organized themselves into phyles was for security, trusted information, and mutual aid. These are each items that are critical to human flourishment… and they make life much easier for everybody.

I presume this is why we are seeing our society segment itself right now. But it leaves the question…

What do you do if you reject the hyper-politicization that is the Trump/woke socialist paradigm? And what do you do if you want to ensure that the WEF sociopaths can’t destroy our basic way of life?

Well, you certainly can’t live a life of isolation… as I once aspired to.

Instead, I look to the old mutual aid societies of 19th century America as a great model. Perhaps the solution is to build parallel structures that support one another.

Once I came to this realization, I started to notice that people are in fact trying to do this right now. Some form of the old mutual aid model is gradually coming into being.

Except it’s happening in quiet circles. So you only stumble upon these projects if you’re already plugged in.

One of the best of these efforts is Tom Woods’ School of Life.

Tom has been a big voice in libertarian and Austrian economics circles for well over a decade now. Up until this point his work has focused mostly on theory and academic matters.

But given the state of the world today, Tom realized he needed something more practical. And that thought is what has become the School of Life.

The school is a private network of like-minded people.

We collaborate on projects and businesses, and we share information on all kinds of subjects. Business, investing, health, fitness, alternative medicine, personal development, homeschooling, and strategic relocation are among the most popular topics. More than a few members have even used the network to escape Covid tyranny in places like Canada, California, and New York.

We also have smaller accountability and mastermind groups that have formed around some of these areas. These are great resources for people who may not have a large circle of friends and colleagues personally.

I’m sharing this with you because Tom’s program only opens to new members twice a year, and the doors are open right now if you care to check it out. I’ve found membership to be a tremendous benefit for me… and fun. I look forward to my mastermind group sessions every week now.

So if this is something you might want to consider, you can get more information at https://tomschooloflife.com/.

As I’m sure you expect, there is a membership fee to join. But it’s more than reasonable. And Tom reinvests the proceeds back into the project.

We’ve got our own chat and forum software running on private servers – away from the prying eyes of Google and the NSA. We even have a Zoom-like application running on these servers. Private video calls are in fact possible.

Tom also hires accomplished folks to do presentations and Q&A’s for our network periodically as well. Doug Casey, Joel Skousen, Mark Skousen, Doc Anarchy, Joanne Ozug, and the Art of Charm team are among those with a large following that we’ve heard from.

So the membership fees are put to good use.

That said, I don’t have any financial incentives here. I don’t have an affiliate link, and I won’t receive any commissions from sales. I’m just sharing the project in case it’s of interest to you.

If you’d like more information, Tom talks about it in detail right here: https://tomschooloflife.com/.

But please check it out soon. The doors close to new members tomorrow.