The Beginning is Near

We’re at an inflection point in history right now. Things aren’t going back to how they used to be.

I don’t think the financial media understands this yet. But the bread crumbs have been in plain sight for over a year now.

It comes down to an arcane change at the core of our financial system.

Last year something called the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) went live across the board.

I bet very few people out there even know what this is. And of those who do, I doubt many understood SOFR’s significance.

SOFR is a benchmark interest rate for dollar-denominated loans and derivatives.

We don’t need to go down a deep rabbit hole on this. What’s important to understand is that the interest rates for all loans in the U.S. are now influenced by SOFR.

The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) used to hold that privilege. Before this year those who influenced LIBOR could also influence interest rates in the U.S.

And that means the Fed did not previously have full control over U.S. monetary policy.

SOFR changed that.

That’s why the Fed raised interest rates so aggressively last year. It was all about planting the flag and letting the world know that the days of coordinated monetary policy were over. Globalism hit its peak.

That means the days of the Fed propping up the stock market are over. The Fed Put is dead.

And this aggressive monetary policy will force some dramatic changes with how U.S. Treasury debt is handled. I think we may even see gold partially remonetized as a means of offsetting higher rates.

As such, we need to completely rethink financial planning 101. The old ways aren’t going to work anymore.

And that’s where The Phoenician League comes in.

Imagine a future where you’re not just surviving, but thriving. A future where you’re not just keeping up with inflation, but outpacing it. A future where you’re not just preserving your money, but growing it.

This is the future The Phoenician League can help you build.

The Phoenician League is an investment membership program that leverages an ancient investing “secret” to help you bulletproof your money and build passive income streams. In as little as 30 days, you could start receiving passive income checks that show up every month, right on time.

But The Phoenician League is more than just a source of passive income. It’s a network.

And our network is a shield against the uncertainties of the future. As the world changes and The Age of Paper Wealth fades away, our professional network will be right here—adapting to the times.

Imagine it’s five or ten years from now. The world is a radically different place. And millions of people who trusted their fortunes to paper wealth are struggling to live out their retirement with dignity.

But not you.

Your real assets have protected you from inflation. And your passive income empire is still growing. That’s the vision.

And we built our membership around that vision. It’s all about information, connections, and mutual support.

Join The Phoenician League today and start building your future. Because financial independence isn’t just about weathering the storm. It’s about living a purpose-driven life.

Please note that we do extensive onboarding for all new members. We make sure everybody knows exactly how our network and resources can work for their situation.

As such, we can only accept a limited number of new members at any given time. Just go right here for more information on how to join the membership while our doors are open.

-Joe Withrow