It’s the simple things – in life and in finance…

This past Saturday was the annual “Fall Fun Day” up here in the mountains of Virginia.

Each year in October – just as the humidity disappears and the leaves start to turn – we get together for a day of food, fun, and fellowship. I didn’t count, but I believe we had eight or nine families and eleven or twelve kids running around this year.

The activities consisted of old-fashioned potato sack races, a candy corn relay for the kids, and a Saran Wrap gift ball chocked full of neat prizes.

In total I think we spent seven hours at the event—all of them outside. I can’t help but think that the old-world harvest festivals may have borne some resemblance to this.

And for the sake of memories, everyone was asked to leave their handprint on a tapestry in paint. Here it is:

The older I get, the more I realize that it truly is the simple things that mean the most in life. And I think the same holds true in the world of finance and investing.

When we left off last week, I was kicking around the idea of putting together a new financial training program. Something designed to help people get their finances together and build a robust asset portfolio. I was thinking it could be an “incubator” to help folks get to the point where they are ready to start building passive income with us in The Phoenician League.

Thanks to those of you who wrote in with feedback on the idea. I’m very encouraged by your responses.

To that end, I spent the weekend building it all out. I’m calling the new program TPL Incubator.

I had most of the training material on hand already. And we can run the program through the infrastructure we already have established for The Phoenician League. In fact, it will give users an inside look at how we operate the membership.

And just like we did with The Phoenician League, I’m sure we’ll find numerous ways to improve upon the new program as it gets up and running.

I’m very confident that what I’ve got in place is solid already. We have all the training, tools, and investment recommendations one needs to achieve financial security. But I’m sure there are some ways to make the program even more beneficial. Those opportunities only reveal themselves as people start to go through everything though.

So… I would like to invite you to become a charter member of TPL Incubator. Just as we did with The Phoenician League, we’ll offer charter members an incredible discount to what will eventually become the retail price.

And I’ll add, we don’t need to run this program on a subscription basis. It won’t have the same overhead. Pay once (or in twelve installments) and you’ll have access to our material and investment suggestions for life.

For charter members, we’re asking $147 up front or twelve payments of $15 a month. That’s it. When we open the program to the public we’ll charge double that.

As for what the program entails, there are four fundamental components.

Of course, it all starts with the core training material. We provide you with a step-by-step approach to securing your finances and building out a customized asset allocation model.

And we’ll walk you through exactly how to do that. This includes specific investment recommendations as well. That’s all part of it.

We’ll also get you access to our TPL Incubator community platform. This is where you can ask me questions or get clarification on anything presented in the training material. And you can network with others going through the program as well.

The third component will be monthly updates and periodic investment recommendations.

We maintain both an equity portfolio and a private investment portfolio – we’ll provide you with access to both. This includes our professional-grade investment research. And we’ll send you new research whenever we have identified our next great investment opportunity.

Lastly, those going through the TPL Incubator will have a direct line to me. I’m available to support you every day. And I don’t take days off.

Again, I suspect we’ll come up with additional features as time goes on. But first we have to get our charter members in the door.

If you’re interested, just click the link below. You’ll find a lot more details on the core training program there as well.

Become a Charter Member of TPL Incubator

See you inside!

-Joe Withrow