How I Came to Love Debt and Taxes: Part VII

This post is part of a series:

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX

When we left off yesterday, we closed the loop on how debt and taxes are the key to financial freedom. 

It’s all about monthly cash flow and creating a “snowball” effect. That is, we need our income to far outrun our expenses.

At the same time, this approach requires us to handle quite a few moving pieces. That’s not difficult to do. But it requires a little extra time and thought. Nothing happens without effort.

So today, let’s talk about why any of this is worth doing. Why should we strive for financial independence?

Well, the answer is easy if we are stuck working a job we hate. 

I’ve been in that position. I started out in the corporate banking arena. It was soul-crushing. I just wanted out. I thought about that every day.

I am sure most people have been in that position at some point. But if we need the paycheck to pay the bills, what options do we have?

Well, not many.

But if we can start generating income from other sources, our options increase rapidly. We need the paycheck less and less as our monthly cash flow goes up.

And with the right system in place, it doesn’t take very long to build substantial cash flow. Not if our focus is on a tried and true asset like rental real estate.

Think about it this way…

Yesterday I mentioned that our real estate network is currently bringing us properties that each produce up to $900 a month in cash flow. If we work up to five properties, that’s $4,500 a month in extra income. 

And look at what happens if we work up to twelve of these properties… That’s over $10,000 a month. Buy two a year and we’re there in six years.

That’s how simple it is to hit our $10,000 a month target.

And for those who implement a complimentary tax strategy, everything goes exponential at a certain point. The tax benefits we accrue make it easier and easier to acquire new properties. 

That’s the power of debt and taxes.

And with $10,000 a month coming in from real estate, how many of us need to work a job anymore? 

As long as we live within our means, that should be more than enough to cover all our expenses and then some.

But again, what’s the point? Why walk this path?

I don’t presume to speak for anyone else here. But for me it’s all about pursuing a higher purpose.

The late Gary North used to talk about the difference between a job and a calling. 

A job puts food on the table and pays the bills. A calling is that one productive thing each of us can do better than nearly everyone else on the planet.

I’m paraphrasing a little bit here, but that’s the gist of it.

The thing is, for most of us, our calling needs to be self-funded. At least partially. 

And that’s what financial independence enables. If we can build $10,000 a month or more in passive income, we can spend our time doing exactly what we want to do, with whom we want to do it. Every day.

To me, this is about becoming a good steward of civilization. 

Speaking from an American perspective, we have been conditioned to be the ultimate consumers. We are encouraged to make as much money as we can so we can buy stuff and go on trips.

And I’m not knocking that… not entirely. 

This has led to an explosion of products and services that have made our lives incredibly convenient. And it’s generated a mountain of wealth for plenty of companies and their investors.

But my sincere belief is that we are here to be much more than consumers. We each have the ability to bless the world in ways that no one else can… if only we have time to focus on our calling.

That’s what this is all about.

From my perspective, we’ve been stuck on a treadmill. And my observations suggest that most of us don’t like being on the treadmill.

So I think it’s time we got off. 

And that’s what our new membership, The Phoenician League, is all about. 

The Phoenician League provides a road map to financial independence. To $10,000 a month in extra income.

It all starts with our Seven-Part Success Path to Financial Independence. This is our core training program. It’s designed to help people go from wherever they happen to be financially right now, to securing their finances, building an asset base, and generating $10,000 or more in passive income.

And here’s the best part – it’s just a process. We’re going to walk you through it step by step.

We are also building a vibrant community within The Phoenician League. 

We have the back-end infrastructure in place so that we can communicate with each other in real time. This enables members to ask any question they may have on our core training program and get a specific answer right away.

In addition, members can share ideas and strategies with one another. And we can discuss what we are seeing on the ground and in the markets in real time. 

This creates a powerful network effect. And it gives us greater insight than we would have if we were going it alone.

We also provide members with monthly and weekly updates around money, finance, investments, and macroeconomic conditions. This helps keep everybody informed and in the loop.

And finally, we help members with investment deal flow and personal access to professionals and specialists. This includes CPAs, asset protection attorneys, and all the real estate professionals we need to make $10,000 a month in passive income a reality.

For more information on The Phoenician League, including how to join as a founding member, check out our video workshop right here: